Thursday, March 24, 2011

Race In America Response

All the articles seem to be about depressing lives and things that African American suffer about. What they fail to mention are the amazing things that they have overcome and made possible for the human race. I think that people of different races in the United States seem to add so much to the culture and diversity of the United States. Tim Wise talked about the way he is never treated like a criminal when he goes places. He is making assumptions that black people are. The extreme cases are rare. A black person may be searched at a concert just like Arab people are subjected to searches at the airport. Does it mean that the country is racist? No. People who manage concert venues and airports probably have statistics on criminals. It is not fair to say that black people account for all crime or all Arab people are terrorists. People watch the news and see the extreme cases that always seem to catch everybody off guard. I understand that African \Americans are treated differently by police officers and security, but it is just the way things have come to be. These people are trying to make our lives safer. I know it is a stretch to compare myself to black Americans but I feel as though teenagers are subjected as well. Every time I go to a concert with my friends I think I am searched just as hard as the black people there. Of course these are stereotypes, but I understand them. It makes sense that a teenager would more likely have drugs. Why does everything have to be turned into a race issue. If you are a women, teenager, or a minority there is likely going to be a time in your life that are being discriminated against. I saw it just the other day. When I went to the meeting with congressman Robert Dold, teenagers had a lot of questions but he just shook them off. I would say a quarter of the people there were teenagers and almost everybody raised their hands. Only one person was called on. We are citizens who can vote too. Shouldn't are hand be just as important as a senior citizen? Hidden biases will always exists but this is not a question of race. People need to know when it is okay to be sensitive. For all you know that extra pat down at the airport may be a security measure. It is common knowledge when things are taken out of hand.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice job Igor although be sure to use specifics from the articles and materials that youare posting about. Gratifying to see you respond to the Invisible Children as well.
