Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

Obama started off by taking a moment of silence due to the tragedy in Tucson. Supposedly, becuase of the tragedy in Tucson, Obama wanted to integrate the senate and the house better. He didn't want a division between the parties. He said it himself. There should be no division between the republican and democratic party when there is a time of needed leadership. He then continued about how the Economy is getting better. I thought that the way he worded his sentences were very tricky. It seemed as though he was avoiding the truth. What it seemed like he was trying to say was that we are almost there, but not quite. This is something that the people of the United States need to know. When people tune in to watch their president speak they want to know what is happening with the country not a president twisting his words to make it seem like the state of the union is better than it actually is. When he was talking about the economy he mentioned something about businesses writing off investments. I think that this is a major step in progressing foreword and out of the recession. If business are afraid to invest then they cannot grow. What progression needs as fuel is the power to spend. Business's need to spend too. Now that business's have the opportunity to take the risk of investment without being penalized completely they can expand their company. Obama talked a lot about small businesses and how that is what America is all about. I completely agree, but the major businesses  and corporations also define our country. The big businesses play a major role in the success of our economy. From the little of economics that I know, I know that that the economy is based off of the workers and the productivity of those workers. This is what Obama talked about next. He talked about the changing of the "rules" and the way things used to be. The United States is no longer the powerhouse of new technology. Obama basically challenged the United States to step it up. He needs students to study harder and teachers to teach harder. He talked, just like every other president in the United States, about the future. If our country is based upon ideas and nobody thinks of new ideas than we wont have much of a country.
 I liked the way he talked about goals. It gives people a number, a figure, to refer to when thinking about what he said. Without this, his proposals may as well be empty threats. He proposed to stop giving to the oil companies and encourage the investment of cleaner energy and alternative cars that run on electricity.
He also talked about progression as a country in relation to the education and the infrastructure. Something that really mattered to me was the use of high speed rail. I'm going to college in Boston and I know that I will be making constant trips home. If I can save my family some money and make the world cleaner and get to my home faster, I do not see the benefits. A country is based off of its infrastructural. You can't spread ideas without having someone to talk to them about.
I don't stay on top of the war very much. I feel like the news constantly says the same thing. Troops are always being sent back home. I want to see numbers. Obama has been telling us that the troops will come back home in a couple months. Later, I just hear the same thing one more time. I'm not opposed to the troops being where they are but I feel like many empty promises are still being made when talking about sending them home. I think I will just need to see. Obama said July. Which July?

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