Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Million Little Pieces Blog Post #4

The first few pages of this section talk about the distorted views that the media and the public have on addiction. James Frey watches a show on TV about doctors in an Emergency Room trying to cure a patient who has overdosed and suffered with addiction. The show drags on about how easy it is for the women to get better and how the doctor and the women eventually fall in love and the women never has any relapses. James Frey thinks this is garbage. So do I. If society thinks that rehab is a walk in the park then they're wrong. This makes people think of the patients who relapse as weak. Media portraying addiction and alcoholism like it's nothing and like it's curable makes the whole thing seems easy. After reading this book it most certainly is not. Frey talks about what he would like to do to the people who made that show. He wants them to experience what it is like and he wants them to see if it was as easy as the show made it seem.
This section also talks a lot about Frey's feelings towards his family and how has family has helped him. Frey and his brother have always gotten along but the same is not the case with his parents. Everytime James Frey is near his parents he gets a feeling he calls "The Fury". It is extreme hate that causes him to think about drugs or drinking. His parents are loving and caring but for a strange reason he just hates them and for the longest time refused to see them. As he spends time with them in a family program against addiction and alcoholism Frey learns how to control "The Fury". His message is to find whatever way out. If something doesn't work for you then don't push it. People are forced to believe in AA and the Twelve Steps of the facility but since Frey doesn't buy it, he finds his own way.

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