Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Million Little Pieces Blog Post #5

The end of the book really shocked me. It finished with a dramatic scene where Lilly and Frey are caught hanging out by facility staff. The rules in the facility state that men and women cannot interact whatsoever. Frey and Lilly, although their meeting was accidental, have developed are strong positive bond. After their secret meetings are discovered, the facility staff tell Lilly that she can no longer see James. James is the only person Lilly has left in this world after recently finding out that her grandma had cancer. The instant she finds out about her love for Frey being forbidden she leaves the facility. After Frey finds out he goes after her. The same people who told Frey and Lilly that their relationship was forbidden end up helping Frey find Lilly. Frey goes to the nearest bus station and finds a crack dealer who directs him to wear Lilly went. He finds Lilly in a nearby crackhouse and she has been using drugs. The hardest part for Frey is to be physically near the drugs again. The burning desire to do drugs almost becomes unbearable for him. However, he keeps talking about how he loved Lilly more than drugs so he had to get her out and to safety. This is another message he is trying to send to anyone who is struggling with addiction: Find something that you love more. Frey said that Lilly gave him the strength to stay away from the drugs that were literally on him.
The end of the book tells what happens to everybody. Frey says that he has never relapsed and that he has created his own program. He is trying to say that no matter what you believe in, believe in something. Frey's method is unorthodox, but it gets him through the day. Also, the back of the book says that shortly after Lilly's grandmother died she hung herself in a special house that is like a rehab facility but allows patients to have day jobs. Lilly was sober until she died.  It is unbelievable to hear the story of someone like Frey. He would be the least likely person to stay clean, but a belief in himself kept him away from drugs.

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