Thursday, May 5, 2011

Juvenile Justice #6

I was really interested by the little criminal presentation so I decided to look at the discussion board. Some of the comments gave me a lot of good insite about what the people of this country think about the juvenile justice system. Most people were outraged at the fact that some people though that a six year old child was able to stand trial in adult court. Others, however,  changed their mind after they realized that he had beat that baby. One women claimed that he was no longer a child when he beat that baby. Some people said that since he had commited an adult crime he was mature and capable of any punishment that was suitable. I was surprised that there was not a lot of research on the child. There needs to be more extensive tests on children with violent behaiviors like that. A reoccuring theme in this discussion was the maturity level of the child. I feel as though that the childs world was not broad enough to even understand what he did. Others seemed to understand. He was not fully capable of making decisions. This only furthurs my belief that children cannot be forced into adult centers. They just can’t handle it and I doubt it would do anything for them if they could.

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