Monday, September 20, 2010

September 11th Documentary

The 9/11 Documentary was not only interesting because it revealed some of the mysteries that occurred on that Tuesday but also the seven days following the attack. I feel as though this is a period in time that no one reflects upon. Apart from watching the video, I have never heard of the bomb threat that occurred in the Empire State Building. It is interesting to see the reactions of New Yorkers to these types of events. One thing that made me upset about the video were the people cheering on the rescue workers on the bridge. Although showing your support is nice, they needed more rescue workers, not cheerleaders. If you want to make a difference, you should be out there with everyone else at ground zero. I appreciate their support, but in a national disaster you don't need more cheerleaders. The acts later in the week following 9/11 also really showed the true character of New York. They proved to everyone in the world that they were going to rebuild and get through their loss. The interview with the child still surprises me. It shows how different people can be in times of disaster. The child was so sophisticated that he was almost speaking like an adult. Another thing that really surprised me was the chalk writing. People have all the right in the world to write that. However, in a time were everyone is frantic that is not the time nor place. Respect should be expected. What the lady did was basically the same as burning the American Flag at the funeral of a dead soldier. It is uncalled for and disrespectful.
Peace- Igor  

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