Wednesday, December 15, 2010


There is a major differences between the NARAL site and the National Right to Life site. The information was presented very differently. The National Right to Life sit seemed to be using the scare tactics that the NARAL site said they would use. The harsh tactics seem the argument less compelling to me. The information is presented in a document type file and is also difficult to read. It seems as though they are trying to impress viewers with vocabulary rather than lay out their opinion. The NARAL site gives a strait forward solution and proposal to people. It seems as though the present the pros and cons of abortion and give their input as to why they think a pro- choice lifestyle is better. They make the myths clear and they present it in a very convincing way. I do, however, like the information used in the National Right to Life site. It seems as though the research has been done thoroughly even though it seems as though research for the other side has been not represented. My opinions did not seem to be altered by either site. No site made such a convincing argument to steer me away from my opinion. The NARAL site, however, provide important facts to incorporate my pro- choice attitude.
I feel a parent has a right to know everything about their child who is under the age of 18. However, they should not have a say whether or not the abortion should be carried out. As a seventeen year old I feel as though I can make hard decisions. I can weigh the pros and the cons and make my own decision. I feel the same would be true for any girl who was making the same decision about abortion. Parents should not have a right to consent to their children having an abortion. As much as adults would like to have us think, we are not children anymore. We are given responsibilities as school and in our personal lives. Why should making this big decision be different? Should a child have to obey their parents to study a religion if they do not believe it? Should a child not be him or herself if their parents do not support their choices? Why should parents have a say in abortion? They don't know better.
A father really should not be allowed determine whether or not a women should have an abortion. He is not the one who is going to be pregnant for nine months. Nor is he the one who will have to spend a lot of time raising the baby. More often than not, the father is not around. It seems logical. If a pregnancy was unplanned, the couple was not ready or was not willing to have a baby. This makes fathers nervous and more likely to bail on their partners. A child is forever, marriage or relationships may not be.
I do not agree with the law that states a women must have spousal consent. I agree that it is different because they are married but I do not think that anyone except for the women should have a decision. Compromises must be made in marriages and in this battle, the women wins. Although I agree with the pro- choice laws that do exist I would change the length of the allowed abortion. There is no evidence that a fetus ever feels pain in an abortion. Illinois law states that abortions can be banned as soon as 12 weeks of pregnancy. Why twelve? Why can't this be extended to help suit a womens need. This is a major decision in a womens life and, often times, they need time to think about it.